There are some pretty sad statistics out there about the disparities between the lives of boys and girls; women and men. The World Bank reports that, in developing countries, an estimated 3.9 million women die unnecessarily each year. Many are never born because of preference given to boy children in some societies. So, it’s particularly inspiring to see the women around the world that do make it, and survive against incredible odds. As Beyoncé sang, “Who runs the world? Girls.” Here’s my tribute to the girls of the world in photos:
Girls in a Fulani village in Senegal in 2006. They were making a game of mashing millet. The Fulani are a nomadic, herding tribe spread out across West Africa. Typically, Fulani men have more than one wife.Who doesn’t like lip gloss? I packed lip gloss and candy to give to kids on my trip to Senegal and Gambia in 2006 and these girls loved it. I think I’m going to do this on more of my trips.I visited Cantagalo, a favela, or, as they prefer, a communidad, in Rio. We were watching a young street band, or bloco, perform when I got a pic with this girl. (See that boy photobombing us?)While traveling in Morocco in 2007, we visited an all girls school where the students taught me how to style my Hijab.When I was in Sri Lanka last year, I loved seeing groups of girls walk to school in their uniforms with braids swinging.The fiercest sales girls you’ll ever meet are in Cambodia at Angkor Wat. This girl laid it on thick. She told me that I looked like Michelle Obama and that she liked my hair. I bought a bunch of bangles from her.I was strolling down a street in Montevideo, Uruguay when these girls, having a snack, started to curiously follow. They were shy at first, but then they posed for me.
So, let’s hear it for the girls around the world and the girls that want to travel the world this International Women’s Day. Speaking of girls that want to travel the world, check out The Passport Party Project, one blogger’s mission to arm young girls with passports and empower them with a sense of wander. If you know a girl that wants to travel, get her started here. It just might change the world.